What is a Virtual Brain and how can your custom AI enhance your Knowledge Base?

how to use your custom AI clone to enhace your Knowledge Base

Imagine having your custom AI clone who is always ready to help, and who can remember, understand and give your own answers about almost anything. Let's explore why you should create your AI powered Second Brain, and why Virtual Brains are a big trend in the Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) space.

When you create your AI powered Virtual Brain, you immediately expand your capabilities, to get these benefits:

  1. 1. Get perfect and infinite memory: Your Knowledge Base can store infinite information, and every small detail is preserved. Nothing is ever forgotten, so you can access all vivid details and detailed information years in the future.
  2. 2. Your custom AI Clone powers your Second Brain: Your custom AI organizes your Knowledge Base so you don't have to. Just share your thoughts, pictures or any information - your AI will structure the learnings. You can then ask your custom AI anything, it will instantly give a detailed answer.
  3. 3. Public or Private - it's your choice: Your Second Brain is under your control, so you decide to make it public or private. Make it public to share in one link all your world of knowledge, and deploy your intelligence anywhere. Or make it private, for you to centralize and grow your Knowledge Base.
  4. 4. Your custom AI gives rich answers from your Knowledge Space Your custom AI Clone can give complex answers: it can find the right image to answer a question, show graphs to illustrate arguments or share links to documents.

Your Virtual Brain is your AI enhanced Knowledge Base

Virtual Brains are like your personal repository of infinite information. They centralize all the knowledge, information and opinions to reflect your existence and what you come across in your domain of expertise.

Your Knowledge Base goes beyond just storing information - it actively learns from anything you upload or share with it, becoming an extension of your own thought processes. As you feed it with data from your experiences, research, and thoughts, it becomes even more unique.

For instance, Scientist and Teachers are creating their Virtual Brain to let anyone explore their knowledge and get detailed answers: they don't offer generic facts, but their AI learns from their specific projects, their research and findings, or any information about their school, programm, field of study... Their AI can give answers that are absolutely unique to their work, life and interests.

Your Virtual Brain, powered by your own custom AI

your custom AI clone gives unique answers from your Knowledge Base

The difference between traditional Personal Knowledge Management tools and Virtual Brains is that on Spheria, your AI powers your Second Brain, to organize all your knowledge so you don't have to.

Your AI clone learns directly and only from all the information you share and upload into your Second Brain, and nothing else. On Spheria, you get your own custom AI, it fully belongs to you, with extensive privacy and ownership protection.

When you create your custom AI Clone on Spheria, your AI gives you these powerful features. Your AI can:

  1. answer any question from your knowledge base
  2. learn from your images
  3. learn from any webpage or website where you've published your previous content
  4. learn from your social media posts like LinkedIn or Instragram to become personal, really fast
  5. organize your knowledge and make it evolve so you don't have to manage it
    1. Share your Virtual Brain with your audience, deploy your intelligence everywhere

      deploy your virtual brain everywhere you are present online.

      Having your Second Brain allows you to be there for people - when they need you. This is really empowering for people who have an audience, or to share their opinions and advice at any time, when they are needed. And because the Virtual Brain is personal, the content and knowledge shared is unique and incredibly helpful.

      They make your knowledge available, at all times. Unlike people who are constrained by time zones and working hours, AI-powered Second Brains are always on, always available.

      Your custom AI Clone will always beat Generic LLMs

      your custom AI clone gives your unique answers, from your own Knowledge Base

      Each Second Brain is different: with its own unique ideas, content and learnings - just like the users they support. They give answers very different from chatGPT or LLMs because they are not aggregates and they are not ment to know everything.

      This personalized approach means your AI clone is not giving generic Wikipedia-like information – it's giving answers that are curated, contextualized and incredibly personalized... Just like the answers you would give in converations in the real world. The information coming from your Virtual Brain reflects your thoughts, interests and your experiences.

      Your AI Clone gives rich and multi-media answers

      the ai version of yourself gives unique answers with you images and documents

      When searching your Virtual Brain, Spheria.ai has developed features that allow your AI Clone to share relevant images, links, or documents directly related to the answer. Your AI knows what's relevant, to give a better answer, and give you the source to find more details.

      For instance if you ask "how was your trip to Singapore?", Your AI can show the highlights with the pictures of key moments.


      Virtual Brains act like external memory banks: they help you store information, while keeping every detail will be available, always. It's incredibly exciting to have your own: you can find details in 20 years that you would have forgotten about otherwise.

      Virtual Brains are a huge innovation for Personal Knowledge Management. Far from note taking apps, or brain-mapping, the AI-powered Virtual Brains built by Spheria can give you rich answers, and give you the perfect memory forever. Your AI Clone becomes the extension of you, to empower your life, and change how you interact with the infinite amount of information out there. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect them to play an increasingly central role in shaping how we learn, work, and solve complex problems in the future.

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